5 Exercises To Do At Home

Couch Hip Thrusts

Couch hip thrusts are a great exercise to workout your posterior chain. Your glutes and hamstrings are important to keep active because they help with a lot of important mechanics. You should start with your shoulders on the couch and your feet on the ground. Push up through your heels until your body is straight and hold the position. When it becomes too easy you should use one leg.

t push ups

The T push up is an excellent alternative to the normal push up and adds an extra core element that can be very useful for people with back problems. Not only will you get a good shoulder workout and chest hit you will also workout your core and oblique muscles with this great exercise to do at home. You should do a normal push up and when you are at the top simply open up into a T position and hold it.


Sometimes it is hard to work out your upper back without weights, but if you have a good table you can do some lying pull ups. Lie under the table with your legs straight out underneath. Grab onto the table and pull up until you can’t go any higher. Hold for a second and drop back down. If it is too hard to start you should bend your legs.

Wall squats calf raise

Wall squats are great to work the legs without stressing the joints. This will help you build your squat strength isometrically. This means working without moving. You can also move up onto your toes to work your calf muscles at the same time.


Bridges are a good glute exercise. You need to start on your back with both feet on the ground. Lift one leg up to get a better workout. Push through your heels until your body is in a straight line. Hold in that position for a few seconds. You should feel a burn in the bum area.

Click here to check out 20 exercises to do at home!

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